Membuat Listview Di Visual Basic

Membuat Listview Di Visual Basic - Listview biasa digunakan untuk menampilkan data yang dibutuhkan oleh aplikasi, baik itu secara manual ataupun  menggunakan database. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan panduan cara membuat Listview dengan menggunakan Visual Basic dengan menggunakan database Microsoft Access 2007, Untuk membuat aplikasi project di Microsoft Visual Basic sangatlah diperlukan komponen Listview ini untuk menampilkan data meskipun ada komponen yang lain yang dapat menampilkan data seperti Datagrid dll, namun ada beberapa keunggulan mengapa saya lebih memilih menggunakan Listview dibandingkan dengan Datagrid salah satunya yaitu tampilannya.

Langkah - Langkah Membuat Listview di Visual Basic

  1. Buka Microsoft Visual Basic 0.6
  2. Buatlah sebuah form kemudian tambahkan komponen listview seperti berikut ini
  3. Buatlah sebuah koneksi untuk menghubungkan visual basic 0.6 dengan database, dengan membuat module seperti berikut.
    'my connection module
    'here is all my connections used in my program..
    Public myCon As ADODB.Connection
    Public myrs As ADODB.Recordset

    'use for open connections
    Public Sub openCon()
    Set myCon = New ADODB.Connection
    myCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbEmp.mdb;" 'my database connection path and my provider
    End Sub

    'use for executing sql commands to manipulate the Database
    Public Sub executeQuery(ByVal sql As String)
    On Error GoTo myerrcon
    Set myCon = New ADODB.Connection
    If myCon.State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    myCon.Execute sql, adOpenDynamic, adCmdText
    Exit Sub:
    'catch and error
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
    Set myCon = Nothing
    End 'terminate the program when an error occured
    End Sub

    'use to select and open records in the database
    Public Sub myRecordset(ByVal query As String)
    On Error GoTo myerrrs
    Set myrs = New ADODB.Recordset
    If myrs.State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    myrs.Open query, myCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    Exit Sub:
    'catch an error
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
    Set myrs = Nothing
    End 'terminate the program when an error occured
    End Sub

    'my sub program to refresh Data in LvList
    Public Sub refreshList()
    Dim ListX As ListItem 'my variable for the list items in lvList
    'you can declare it on the top(in Gen. Declarations), but i declare it here so you can see it easily...

    myRecordset "SELECT * FROM tblInfo ORDER BY IDNumber" 'execute sql command to select all records in tblInfo ordered in ID Number
    frmMain.lvList.ListItems.Clear 'clear list items of lvList
    While Not myrs.EOF = True 'While myRs did not reach the End Of the File(last record in the database)
    Set ListX = frmMain.lvList.ListItems.Add(, , myrs.Fields("IDNumber")) 'put the first data from tblInfo(ID Number) into the first column of lvList(ID Number)
    ListX.SubItems(1) = myrs.Fields("Surname") 'put second data from tblInof(Surname) into the second column of lvList(Surname)
    ListX.SubItems(2) = myrs.Fields("Firstname") 'put third data from tblInofFirstname) into the third column of lvList(Surname)
    ListX.SubItems(3) = myrs.Fields("Middlename") 'put fourth data from tblInof(Middlename) into the fourth column of lvList(Surname)
    ListX.SubItems(4) = myrs.Fields("Department") 'put fifth data from tblInof(Department) into the fifth column of lvList(Surname)
    ListX.SubItems(5) = myrs.Fields("Status") 'put sixth data from tblInof(Status) into the second sixth of lvList(Surname)
    myrs.MoveNext 'move to the next record
    Wend 'end While
    End Sub
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